Trinitas DX brings together key players from the business sector, (academic) hospitals, medical specialists, laboratories, and general practitioner practices. Our mission is aimed at promoting innovation in integrated diagnostics through the effective use of IVD, IMG, and AI, resulting in improved market opportunities for academic entrepreneurship and concrete export and economic prospects.
The action plan of Trinitas DX is focused on optimizing the market opportunities of promising diagnostic innovations. This is achieved by offering various services:
- During the onboarding process, careful consideration is given to the composite clinical and economic aspects by an onboarding committee comprising clinicians, scientists, and investors. This reduces commercial and societal risks for entrepreneurs in the field of diagnostics.
- Trinitas DX provides a development and testing environment for entrepreneurs, both in technical and clinical-diagnostic studies. This reduces risks in the development of product innovations. The goal is to ensure that the new products achieve superior effectiveness compared to existing diagnostics.
- Consideration is given in advance to clinical relevance, operational issues, and implementation challenges. This helps in reducing operational risks for entrepreneurs.
In this way, Trinitas DX creates an economic growth market and strengthens the position of the Netherlands as a manufacturer of the latest medical imaging techniques and a leading supplier of international standards in laboratory and imaging diagnostics. During the program, Trinitas DX will implement product-driven innovations in diagnostics, each of which is licensable and scalable individually, and which, through the combination of products and services in joint ventures, will create high-quality export products and opportunities.